Cameron County Outdoor Youth Activities held their annual Youth deer hunt during the three day 2023 Special firearms doe season. Participating in the hunt were licensed junior hunters Elijah Holterback, Brice Major, Cruz Smoker, Kaleb Jackson, Torsten Langley, and Korbin Post. The Junior hunters were paired up with adult mentors to be with them throughout the hunt to assure safety and a positive experience.
The junior hunt season took place October 19, 20, and 21st. Earlier in the week the group visited the Andrews Farm to discuss safety, the number one priority. They also took the opportunity to sight in the rifles and hear more details of what to expect during the next few evenings. During the hunt the hunters spent the evening in blinds watching over managed food plots on the Russell Hollow Hunt Club property in Salt Run. During this years hunt there were 3 doe harvested. Successful hunters were Brice Major, Kaleb Jackson and Torsten Langley. At the end of the hunts everyone re-grouped at the Andrews Farm to enjoy a hot meal and discuss their evening hunt. There, Brian Gillette demonstrated to the hunters the process of dressing a deer and properly prepare them for butchering. One of the stipulations of the hunt is that the first doe harvested by each youth hunter would be donated to Hunters Sharing the Harvest. This is part of CCOYA’s ongoing efforts to encourage our youth the importance of giving back. All of hunters were completely on board with this opportunity.” This was a very successful program and one that everyone will remember the rest of their lives.
The deer will be delivered to Buddy Wolfe of Valley Meats a participating butcher for HSH. Buddy will process the meat and grind into hamburger and package. The meat will then be donated to Northern Tier Community Action and distributed throughout Cameron County by their Cameron County Community Food Pantry program. CCOYA would like to thank all the hunters, families, mentors and everyone behind the scenes to make this a successful program. CCOYA would also like to thank the Cameron County Vets Club for preparing dinner for the first 2 nights of the hunt.