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CCOYA Thanks Volunteers

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Cameron County Outdoor Youth Activities held a gathering on March 16th to thank nearly 100 volunteers who have spent time helping the outdoor education group over the last several years. Managing Director, Taylor Gillette, former Director, Don Bickford, and Founder, Ron Andrews, wanted to express gratitude on behalf of the organization for the efforts that have built this group into the successful outdoor teaching aid it has become. CCOYA was built off the foundation of teaching youth how to explore an outdoor lifestyle while becoming productive adults, leaders, and stewards of the environment.

The undeniable key to success for CCOYA has been maintaining a reliable connection with local community members in Cameron County. Additionally, a considerable amount of support has come from Cameron County School District, which has integrated many outdoor related programs into its middle & high school science classes. Some of the activites CCOYA has collaborated with the school include Trout in the Classroom, pheasant egg hatching projects, EnviroThon, and monarch butterfly tagging. Outside of the school district, volunteers have steadily helped with events such as the Spring Trout Fishing Day, Fall Youth Pheasant Hunt, trips to the American Outdoor Show, Farm Show, and numerous educational gatherings with wildlife conservation organizations.

CCOYA extends its greatest acknowledgement towards the dependable volunteers who have supported teaching the next generation valuable skills & knowledge on the great outdoors. A final word of the night from Andrews asked everyone to continue seeking fellow volunteers, as more aid creates opportunity to reach more children. To anyone interested in supporting or learning more about Cameron County Youth Outdoor Activities, please contact Taylor Gillette at (814) 562-0421.


269 Nickler Road, Emporium, PA  15834

(814) 562-0421


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