On Friday, October 15th CCOYA attended the Woodland Elementary 4th grade field trip to the Elk Country Visitor Center. This field trip was hosted by the Keystone Elk Country Alliance. The students were able to explore the center upon arrival before heading to the ECO building to learn about elk basics and their history here in Pennsylvania from Ben Porkolab. The students were then divided into groups and sent to different stations Consisting of a nature trail walk, a 4D movie, and a population game put on by Mandy Marconi of the PGC. After lunch the students got to sit through a reptile presentation from Russell Wheeler of KECA which featured some of KECAs live reptiles. Before departure from the elk center students and staff were treated to apple cider and donuts provided by CCOYA. I would like to extend a thank you to the Elk Country Visitor Center staff and Mandy from PGC for a fun and educational day for the students.
