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2023 Youth Pheasant Hunt

The annual Cameron County Outdoor Youth Activities Youth Pheasant Hunt was held at the Andrews Farm Saturday October 7th. It was a pleasant fall day for 12 young hunters. Before taking the fields a Safety training program was provided by Denny Neal to start the event. The hunters were also required to practice shooting clay pigeons to become more familiar with shooting at flying targets. Many volunteers were on hand helping with various parts of hunt. Young hunters were paired up with experienced mentor hunters to assure safety.

Anthony Santiso From Ridgway, Jared Kuleck from Ridgway and Taylor Gillette of CCOYA brought their bird dogs to help with the hunt. This gives the youth hunters involved a very unique experience to hunt with trained bird dogs. In most cases this may be the only opportunity that these young people experience hunting with bird dogs. Taylor Gillette of CCOYA commented “This event could never be held without the help of our dedicated volunteers. There are many people involved in this program from dog handlers, mentors, food preparers, food servers, those that stock pheasants along with those that help set up and clean up after the event.” CCOYA would like to thank everyone that participated in any way to the success of this program.


269 Nickler Road, Emporium, PA  15834

(814) 562-0421


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