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​There are two things that interest me: the relation of people to each other, and the relation of people to land.”

 - Aldo Leopold


CCOYA's primary objective is grounded in education through planning, hosting and sponsoring outdoor themed events and donation of educational materials to local schools and libraries. 


Although CCOYA has several valuable partners, the partnership that has been most impactful is that with the Cameron County School District (CCSD). It became apparent upon founding CCOYA that having a partnership with the CCSD would offer the greatest access and influence to area youth. We work closely with CCSD educators in the coordination of both on and off-site programs. We believe that a fun, interactive approach to educating our future conservation ambassadors is more effective and lasting than simply presenting facts and data.

Some of CCOYA's educational programs include: 

  • Partnered with the Cameron County Conservation District and Cameron County schools to prepare the high school Envirothon team for a state event. 

  • Co-sponsorship of the "Wild About Nature” programs with Cameron County Conservation District at various locations. Program highlights included tree identification, nature walk, telemetry, poisonous snake education, aquatics and wildlife for 4th through 6th grade students.

  • Bird watching and hawk migration events including the organization and co-sponsorship of the "Raptors Up Close" presentation for Cameron County youth. 

  • The planning, sponsorship and organization of multiple school outdoor club field trips.

  • Night-sky viewing events and instruction.

  • Planned for and assisted with the implementation of archery programs and curriculum in Cameron County schools.

  • Assist with a trout education programs in Cameron County school classrooms.

  • Co-sponsorship with 4-H Penn State Extension of an air-rifle instructional program for area youth.

  • Serving as advisor for Cameron County school outdoor clubs.

  • Hosts after-school programs with a focus on outdoors and conservation education.

  • The education of local logging industry and history.

  • Co-sponsored the ”Project Wet" teacher workshop at Sinnemahoning State Park for local educators. The workshop promoted awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of our water resources. The teachers were also given resources to aid with their in-school curriculum.

  • Hosts educational events and programs at local state parks - Sinnemahoning State Park and Sizerville State Park.

  • Instruction about butterflies / honeybees and their importance and impact on the environment.

  • Conservation programs at local county fairs.

  • Host the Potter County Junior Conservation School at Andrews Farm.

  • Donates wild turkey educational packages to Cameron County schools. These packages include visual aids, workbooks, and multimedia meant to aid educators with a curriculum about the wild turkey.

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269 Nickler Road, Emporium, PA  15834

(814) 562-0421



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