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CCOYA's partnership with the Cameron County School District has been incredibly rewarding since our inception in 2011! We are proud of this ongoing collaboration and are excited for what's to come.


We work closely with an outstanding lineup at CCSD - including administrators, faculty members and staff. See what some of these great folks have to say below.


CCOYA thanks you, CCSD!

  Taylor Gillette does a wonderful job of infusing himself into Woodland Elementary school. In the fall, Mr. Gillette arranges a trip to Andrews Farm for the third graders to
release pheasants for the Youth Hunt. The children receive information about the pheasants, release a few of them into the fields around Andrews farm, and then have some more educational sessions set up before we head back to school.
  In the spring, Mr. Gillette is back at it again securing pheasant eggs for anybody that is interested in hatching them at Woodland Elementary. CCOYA and Mr. Gillette supply the teachers with incubators and dozens of pheasant eggs. Mr. Gillette then secures a place for the pheasants to grow until the fall when they are released again.
  Mr. Gillette is always present at our Trout in the Classroom release day in April at Sizerville State Park. He works hand in hand with Cameron County Conservation
District to do one of our sessions for the day.
  Cameron County is extremely blessed to have CCOYA, Mr. Gillette, and Mr. Andrews supporting the youth in the county.


Carol Wilson - Cameron County School District Teacher

As an Envirothon advisor and the Outdoor Club advisor I work with Taylor Gillette of CCOYA frequently.  Cameron County Outdoor Youth Activities has been extremely helpful to us in organizing activities and securing the funds for a variety of experiences for our students from Woodland Elementary and the HIgh School.  CCOYA also provides our students with beneficial volunteer and outreach opportunities. I am certain our students here at CCSD have these valuable opportunities available to them because this organization exists.


Mandy Songer - Cameron County School District Teacher

As we strive to serve the students of Cameron County, the partnership of Cameron County School District (CCSD) and Cameron County Outdoor Youth (CCOYA) had become an essential partnership. We
are fortunate to collaborate with CCOYA and they have been instrumental in promoting a robust opportunity for our youth that exceeds those of our neighboring districts. The support and assistance of CCOYA has created student programs throughout our district including pheasant hatching, trout in the classroom and trout stocking, hunter safety education, and ecological field trips to enhance the learning of our students. CCOYA has been an integral part of our Environthon Program by supporting learning activities and promoting engagement in outdoor events. CCSD is thankful to the Ron Andrews Family and CCOYA for all that they do for the students of CCSD.

Mrs. Ronna Rebo - Cameron County School District Superintendent

269 Nickler Road, Emporium, PA  15834

(814) 562-0421



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